Dream Quotes


"...the communications of the unconscious are of the highest
importance to the dreamer - naturally so, since the unconscious
is at least half of his total being - and frequently offer
him advice or guidance that could be obtained from no other source."

"Waking, I cannot form in my mind the minutely detailed
and living features of a face and a form and a costume which
I have never seen, but my dream self can do all this with
the accuracy and vividness of a camera"
-Mark Twain

"The unknown falls into two groups of objects: those which are
outside and can be experienced by the senses, and those which are
inside and are experienced immediately. The first group comprises
the unknown in the outer world; the second the unknown in the
inner world. We call this latter territory the unconscious."
-Jung, Dreams

"Jung's conviction that dreams are meaningful was rooted in his
premise that much significant mental content is unconscious.
'Without [the unconscious], the dream is a mere freak of nature,
a meaningless conglomeration of fragments left over from the day."

"In a sense, every dream is a metaphor and needs to be so
interpreted. Freud and Jung agreed on this. A dream
interpretation says in prose what the dream says in poetry."

"If we pay attention to our dreams, instead of living in a
cold, impersonal world of meaningless chance, we may begin to
emerge into a world of our own, full of important and
secretly ordered events."
-Jung, Symbols

"Since the viewpoints of the dream present themselves to us
as aspects of a polarization process, they will always represent
non-ego views; that is, they will touch blind spots as far as
consciousness is concerned. Not random blind spots, but
those which are relevant to the 'intended' development and
realization, the 'memory' with which the ego position connects
by turning to the dream."

"Dream experiences, like poetry, "performs" in an altered
state of consciousness. Dreaming consciousness or "mentation"
feels "otherworldly" for it reaches beyond rational categories
of time and space to the timeless. It reaches, however, to
dramatize and circumambulate the dreamer's current problematic
(hence charged with energy) and/or individuation issues."

"...certain portions of the personality or psyche must very
shrewdly and carefully construct dreams in advance, so that
when the dreams are played back they render just the right
message, to the parts of the psyche that need it."
-Robert Butts

"In psychotherapy we come to a partial understanding of the
dreams and fantasies which provide the leading motifs of our
lives, and we realize after a time how we are continually acting
out these prevailing fantasy themes without ever having been
aware of the fact."

"Erich Neumann has written also of the ritual journey by which
the ego entering on the spiral path following "the unconcious
intention of the way" receives and accepts "the spiritual
direction of the unconscious" which leads both to "an ever new
manifestation of the archetypal world, but also to an
increasing development of consciousness."

"The keystone of Jung's theory of dream interpretation is
usually considered to be the hypothesis that nearly all dreams
are compensatory. That is, the actual dream interpretation,
with relatively few exceptions is an answer to the question:
What is the 'actual situation in the subconscious' that compensates
the dreamer's conscious situation."

"Both concepts reflect the observation that dreams provide
contents that are missing in consciousness."

"Nevertheless, the structure of a great many dreams is fairly
complete and can be divided into component parts that enhance
understanding of the "plot" development and the dream's emphasis,
and expedite identification of the missing content.
1st: Exposition -> place, setting, protagonists, initial situation
2nd: Development -> what causes tension & conflict
3rd: Culmination -> something decisive happens or a marked change
occurs, either favorable or unfavorable
4th: Lysis -> solution, result

"Since the dream manifests to 'reenact' existence when conscious
habits of perception are relatively passive (indeed dormant), it
permits the emergence of new image and emotional structures from
outside the dreamer's usual mind set."

[on precognitive dreams] "These are fascinating, not only
because they are practical, but because they suggest the awesome
abilities of the inner self to solve problems for us and to
obtain information that we consider vital."

"Like several other turning points in his life, Jung's break
with Freud stemmed, in part at least, from a dream."

"Sometimes, a dream that is not understood at the time it
occurs proves to be the preparation for a subsequent event. A
few weeks before the sudden death of her husband, a woman
dreamed that she was looking at him, and saw his face change
until it looked very similar to his father's. She was horrified."

"The common symbolic theme behind the material for both Celts
and Jungians is concern for the processes whereby this world
and the other world interpenetrate. Hence dream appreciation
is a fitting subject to illuminate the points of intersection."

"The personality is composed of energy gestalts. As the
personality is changed by any experience, it is changed by its
dreams; and as an individual is molded by his physical environment
to some extent, so is he molded by the dreams which he himself
creates... The Self is limitless."

"The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most
intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens into that primeval
cosmic night that was soul long before there was a conscious
ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach."

"The Self can be defined as an inner guiding factor that
is different from conscious personality and that can be
grasped only through the investigation of one's own dreams.
These show it to be the regulating center that brings about
a constant extension and maturing of the personality."

"The carpenter obviously understood his dream. He saw that
simply to fulfill one's destiny is the greatest human
achievement, and that our utilitarian notions have to give
way in the face of the demands of our unconscious psyche."