"Vocatus atque non vocatus, deus arderit"
Whether he is called or not, the god will be present."
-[Inscription over door in Jung's home]]

"I am of the opinion that the psyche is the most tremendous
fact of human life... The mere fact that people talk about
rebirth, and that there is such a concept at all, means that a
store of psychic experiences designated by that term
must actually exist."

"We are unable, for example, to suppress many of our emotions;
we cannot change a bad mood into a good one, and we cannot
command our dreams to come or go... We only believe that we are
masters in our own house because we like to flatter ourselves.
Actually, however, we are dependent to a startling degree upon
the proper functioning of the unconscious psyche, and must trust
that it does not fail us.

"That is, man's main purpose is not to eat, drink, etc. but
to be human. Above and beyond these drives, our inner psychic
reality serves to manifest a living mystery that can be expressed
only by a symbol..."

"Dariex found a probability of 1:4,114,545 for telepathic
precognitions of death, which means that the explanation of
such a warning as due to 'chance' is more than four million
times more improbable than explaining it as a 'telepathic'
or a causal, meaningful coincidence."

"...we must not forget that for most people it means a great deal
to assume that their lives will have an indefinite continuity
beyond their present existence. They live more sensibly, feel
better, and are more at peace. One has centuries, one has
an inconceivable period of time at one's disposal. What then
is the point of this senseless mad rush?"

"The decisive question for man is: Is he related to something
infinite or not? That is the telling question of his life. Only
if we knew that the thing which truly matters is the infinite can
we avoid fixing our interest upon futilities, and upon all kinds
of goals which are not of real importance."

"Many people mistakenly overestimate the role of will power
and think that nothing can happen to their minds that they do
not decide and intend."

"The actual process of individuation - the conscious coming-to-terms
with one's own inner center or self - generally begins with a
wounding of the personality and the suffering that accompanies it."
"Jung never ruled out the possibility that life knew better than
the correcting mind, and his attention was directed not so much to
the things themselves as to that unknowable agent which organizes the
event beyond the will and knowledge of man - no happening was too
trivial and no moment too short lived."
-Jung's Last Years

"Other people are established inalienably in my memories only if
their names were entered in the scrolls of my destiny from the
beginning, so that encountering them was at the same time a
kind of recollection."

"It would be positively grotesque for us to call this immense system
of experience of the unconscious psyche an illusion, for our visible
and tangible body itself is just such a system."

"...he [Carl Jung] preferred to let things develop in their own
way. 'Don't interfere!' was one of his guiding axioms, which he
observed so long as a waiting-and-watching attitude could
be adopted without danger."
-Jung's Last Years

"Jung might differ with them. Following his own inner leadings
brought him to experience and describe phenomenon that some of us
prefer to ignore: the possibility of an intelligent and responsive
universe, acting and reacting in our interests."
"Jung was not only a medical man but a scholar in the grand style,
whose research, particularly in comparative mythology, alchemy, and
the psychology of religion, have inspired and augmented the findings
of an astonishing number of the leading creative scholars of our time."

"One gives one's mind, as before, to outer duties, but at the
same time remains alert for hints and signs, both in dreams and
in external events, that the Self uses to symbolize its intentions -
the direction in which the life-stream is moving."

"Rather than face our defects as revealed by the shadow, we
project them on to others - for instance, on to our political enemies."

"There is only one thing that seems to work; and that is to turn
directly toward the approaching darkness without prejudice and
totally naively, and to try to find out what its secret aim is
and what it wants from you."

"The only unbearable suffering is suffering that we do
not understand."

"...in order to bring the individuation process into reality,
one must surrender consciously to the power of the unconscious,
instead of thinking in terms of what one should do, or of
what generally is thought right, or of what usually happens."

"Jung gave them something else; he wanted to get them to
integrate the necessary suffering into their lives, to accept
and bear it as part of their wholeness - for without darkness
and sorrow there is no life."
-Jung's Last Years

"The secret aim of the unconscious in bringing about such an
entanglement is to force a man to develop and to bring his own
being to maturity by integrating more of his unconscious
personality and bringing it into his real life."

"If one focuses attention on the unconscious without rash
assumptions or emotional rejection, what often breaks through
is a flow of helpful symbolic images."

"In ways that are still completely beyond our comprehension,
our unconscious is similarly attuned to our surroundings - "

"Moral judgement is always present and carries with it
characteristic psychological consequences. I have pointed
out many times that as in the past, so in the future the
wrong we have done, thought, or intended will wreak its
vengeance on our souls."

"The feeling for the infinite, however, can be attained only
if we are bounded to the utmost... In such awareness we
experience ourselves concurrently as limited and eternal,
as both the one and the other. In knowing ourselves to be
unique in our personal combnation - that is, ultimately
limited - we possess also the capacity for becoming conscious
of the infinite. But only then!"

"But his [Jung's] overwhelming contribution to psychological
understanding is his concept of the unconscious - not (like
the 'subconscious of Freud) merely a sort of glory-hole of
repressed desires, but a world that is just as much a vital
and real part of the life of an individual as the conscious,
'cogitating' world of the ego, and infinitely wider and richer."

"According to Jung (1981), since causality is not absolute,
but rather is statistical, causality only holds true for
averages while leaving room for exceptions to occur on an
individual basis. These exceptions allow for synchronistic events."

"Although my belief in the world returned to me, I have never
since entirely freed myself of the impression that this life
is a segment of existence which is enacted in a three-
dimensional boxlike universe especially set up for it."

"My consciousness is like an eye that penetrates to the most
distant spaces, yet it is the psychic non-ego that fills them
with nonspatial images. And these images are not pale shadows,
but tremendously powerful psychic factors... Beside this
picture I would like to place the spectacle of the starry
heavens at night, for the only equivalent of the universe
within is the universe without -"

"...by the discovery of the social function of the Self,
which works in a hidden way to unite separate
individuals who belong together."