"But feeling positive emotion is important, not just because
it is pleasant in its own right, but because causes much better
commerce with the world. Developing more positive emotion in our
lives will build friendship, love, better physical health, and
greater achievement."

"We need not expect all relationships to be alike. One friend may
be wonderful as a recreation buddy, but perhaps we wouldn't talk
about everything in our lives with him. Another friend is comfortable
and we can be ourselves with him, although he may not challenge
us to grow or change. No friendship, no spouse, no one person can
be enough in our lives."

"The tyranny of a too fixed sense of personal history blocks life
and new direction. So the husk of history must be shed, the complexes
dissolved. The archetypal core of the personality however, remains
eternally fresh, filled with nourishment and value. The ego can
renew itself in this level, in the self."

"I could relate other experiences which point to the conclusion that
outer relationships are often only the manifestation of deeper linkages
below the surface of our waking consciousness."
-Future is Now

"The term 'universe' is that life plan that seems to take over
despite what we have in mind - that 'force' operating, seemingly
on its own -"

"But no man or woman can exist happily with the terrible knowledge
that they are not needed by some other person. Over a lifetime,
the actual pain of feeling inconsequential, irrelevant, and
inconspicuous is far greater than the imagined pain of an
occasional rejection."

"Perhaps someone close to us dies, and we are faced with how
temporary life is... We look closely at the rush of our lives
and ask deeper questions. Are we hurrying to a worthwhile goal?
Or are we losing out in our great rush?

"Psychiatrists concur in the view that the major life attitudes
of the psyche arise from the unconscious."

"You enlarge your circle, expand your interests, seek a new
adventure - or wither on the vine."

"We live in a world where most people take themselves and their
decisions very seriously. I have news for you. Nothing is
that important."

"Every time you encounter something that forces you to
'handle it,' your self-esteem is raised considerably. You
learn to trust that you will survive, no matter what happens."

"What the inner voice says will not disappoint the hoping soul."

"The unconscious is the maternal, instinctive foundation of man
as a living creature, it is the 'mother' of his mind and of
consciousness as well. The unconscious reigns at the beginning
of his life and fate, when consciousness awakes, and again at
the end, when life and consciousness sink back into the darkness
of the maternal unconscious."

"People who are afraid of being themselves really don't know
what life is all about. They are concerned with appearances with
what other people think. They want to control other people instead
of letting them be free to be whatever they are.
To go through life pretending to be something you are not or
to feel what you don't is not being real."

"The foundation of the Self, its characteristic qualities, are
subconscious. All the innate capacities are subconscious; likewise
the higher faculties - intuition, talents, genius, artistic or
creative inspiration ... The greater part of [these faculties]
escape from the will - and show their existence only by bringing
to light intermittent, and apparently spontaneous results."

"There is a fatality, a feeling so irresistable and inevitable
that it has the force of doom, which almost invariably compels
human beings to linger around and haunt, ghostlike, the spot
where some great and marked event has given the color to
their lifetime; and still the more irresistibly, the darker
the tinge that saddens it."

"Keep strong, if possible. In any case, keep cool. Have
unlimited patience. Never corner an opponent, and always
assist him to save his face. Put yourself in his shoes -
so as to see things through his eyes. Avoid self-
righteousness like the devil - nothing so self-blinding."
-Basil Hart