Seth Quotes


"No chance encounter of physical elements alone, under any
circumstances, could produce consciousness -or the conditions
that would then make consciousness possible."
-Mass Events

"It is somewhat humorous that such a vital consciousness could
even suppose itself to be the end product of inert elements that
were themselves lifeless, but somehow managed to combine in such
a way that your species attained fantasy, logic, vast organizational
power, technologies, and civilizations."
-Mass Events

"You must realize that what you are cannot be seen in a mirror.
What you see in a mirror is but a dim reflection of your true reality."
-Seth Material

"Now each actor going about the role, focused within the play,
has an inner guide-line. He is not left, therefore, abandoned
within a play that he has forgotten in his own creation. He has
knowledge and information that comes to him through what I call
the inner senses."
-Seth Speaks

"...there are no errors, for each action, whether pleasant or not,
will in its fashion be redeemed, both in relationship to itself
and ... to a larger picture that the conscious mind may not be
able presently to perceive."

"You create your reality. You will find this freedom by learning
to look inward, and by realizing that you create the reality that
you know. There are no exceptions to this rule. Your successes
and your failures alike, you have yourselves created. If you
would but understand, this is the truth that would make you free."

"Physically, your body must follow the nature into which you were born,
and in that context the cycle of youth and age is highly important.
In some ways, the rhythm of birth and death is like a breath taken and
exhaled. Feel your own breath as it comes and goes. You are not
it, yet it comes into you and leaves you, and without its continuous
flow you could not physically exist. Just so your lives go in and
out of you - you and yet not you. And a portion of you, while letting
them all go, remembers them and knows their journey.

"How many of you would want to limit your reality, your entire reality,
to the experience you now know? You do this when you imagine that
your present self is your entire personality, or insist that your
identity be maintained unchanged through an endless eternity."
-Seth Speaks

"If there is any point where your consciousness seems to elude you
or escape you , or if there is any point where your consciousness
seems to end, then these are the points where you have yourselves
set up psychological and psychic barriers, and these are precisely
those areas that you should explore."
-Seth Reader

"The idea of a meaningless universe, however, is in itself a
highly creative imaginative act. Animals, for example, could
not imagine such an idiocy, so that the theory shows the incredible
accomplishment of an obviously ordered mind and intellect that
can imagine itself to be the result of non-order, or chaos -
[you have] a creature who is capable of mapping his own brain,
imagining the brain's fantastic regulated order emerge from a
reality that itself has no meaning."
-Mass Events

"In stating that the universe is an accidental creation, however,
a meaningless chance conglomeration formed by an unfeeling cosmos,
it states quite clearly its belief that the universe and man's
existence has no value. All that remains is what pleasure or
accomplishment can somehow be wrested from man's individual
biological processes."
-Mass Events

"Life, however, is far to profound and multitudinous and requires
great depths of emotional response and action that could never be
satisfied adequately by any given set of circumstances, however
-Way Toward Health

"Your creaturehood provides you with exactly what you need
individually - precisely the life experiences that you each need,
wanted, and brought into existence, to lead you precisely where,
in terms of where, you want to go."

"So tell yourself, things will work out in their own way."

"Organize your reality according to your strength; organize your
reality according to your playfulness; according to your dreams;
according to your joy; according to your hopes - and then you can
help those who organize their reality according to their fears."

"Be alert for what seems to be coincidence. The things you tell
yourselves cannot be - those things are."
-ESP class, July 16, 1974

"People die when they are ready to die, for reasons that are their
own. No person dies without a reason. You are not taught that,
however, so people do not recognize their own reasons for dying, and
they are not taught to recognize their own reasons for living -
because you are told that life itself is an accident in a cosmic
game of chance."
-Mass Events

"My dear friends: existence is larger than life or death.
Life or death are both states of existence. An identity
exists whether it is in the state of life or in the state
of death. Your cats' consciousness never was dependent
upon its physical form. Instead, the consciousness was
itself choosing the experience of cathood."
-Mass Events

"Science has seen man as an accidental product of an uncaring
universe, a creature literally without a center of meaning,
where consciousness was the result of a physical mechanism
that only happened to come into existence, and that had no
reality of that structure."
-Mass Events

"It is not understood that before life an individual decides to
live. A self is not simply the accidental personification of the
body's biological mechanism. Each person born desires to be born.
He dies when that desire no longer operates. No epidemic or illness
or natural disaster - or stray bullet from a murderer's gun - will
kill a person who does not want to die."
-Mass Events

"In those terms is an ideal psychological pattern in which
you are yourself intimately connected. The inner ego constantly
moves you in that direction."
-Mass Events

"If this information comes from a personality no longer in
physical form upon your earth, then surely this is an indication
that death is but entrance into another dimension."
-Session 107

"Your intent to find a mate sends out 'strands of consciousness'
however, composed of desire and intent. Like detectives, these
search the world, looking in a completely different way than
a physical sleuth. The world is probed with your characteristics
in mind, seeking for someone else with characteristics that will
best suit your own."
-Mass Events

"Man cannot mistrust his own nature and at the same time trust
the nature of God, for God is his word for the source of his being -
and if his being is tainted, then so must be his God."
-Mass Events

"If you can sit quietly and realize that your body parts are
replacing themselves constantly - if you turn your conscious
mind into the consideration of such activity - then you can
realize your own state of grace. If you can sense your
thoughts steadily replacing themselves then you can also feel
your own elegance."

"What is needed is a basic trust in the nature of vitality, and
faith that all elements of experience are used for a greater good,
whether or not you can perceive the way in which 'evil' is transmuted
into creativity. What you love will also be a part of your experience
in this life and others.
-Seth Speaks

"There will be certain cornerstone encounters in each persons life
that are set up as strong probabilities or as plans to be grown into."

"You choose this place and time for your own reasons and your own
challenges... And so this planet is not peopled with strangers, but
those who are already psychically united."
-Conversations II

"You must remember that you dwell always in a natural framework -
which means that your thoughts themselves are as natural, say,
as the locks of your hair.

"The magical approach takes it for granted, in the simplest terms,
that the life of any individual will fulfill itself, will develop
and mature that the environment and the individual are uniquely
suited and work together."

"No one steps upon the Stage of Life without his part to play,
and the prompter from the wings reads the lines to come."

"Now, just for the hell of it, play around with these ideas - you
have nothing to lose! Tell yourself, instead, 'I have a meaning.
If a flower is important, then surely I am important. I have as
much right to live as a spider. I am myself."

"Ruburt's mental conversation with 'Mary,' and your own dream
about Mary with the sketchbook sheets - all of these experiences
are indications of the exquisite kind of reasoning that goes on
at the levels of awareness that are usually considered unreasonable.
That kind of material enriches the intellect and reassures it."

"A rich man who tries to be poor for a day to learn what poverty
is learns little ... So you hide these things from yourself so
that you can relate. You forget your home so that you can return
to it enriched."

"A small note to our friend -again - to trust the great powers of
the universe that form his own image, to trust his spontaneity, and
his body's natural urges toward relaxation, motion, and creativity,
as these show themselves in their own rhythms."
-Magical Approach

"For example, if his present expectations are faulty, when
the ego rests, he may recreate a time when expectations were high.
The resulting dream will partially break the circle of poor
expectations with their shoddy physical constructions and start
such an individual along a constructive path. In other words,
a dream may begin to transform the physical environment through
lifting inner expectation."
-Dreams & Consciousness

"If you magnify your limitations you create your own prisons.
If you enjoy those freedoms that are yours now, you automatically
increase them. You are in a clear position at this moment.
You cannot expect a blissful time innocent of problems. That
is not the nature of life or of existence."
-Mass Events

"Clear your mind of thoughts and worries. Be receptive. Very
gently listen, not to physical sounds, but to sounds that come
through the inner senses.
Images may begin to appear. Pretend that there is an inner
world, and that it will be revealed to you. Learn to perceive
it with these inner senses.
Pretend that you have been blind to this world all your life,
and are now slowly gaining sight."

"What you love will also be a part of your experience
in this life and others."
-Seth Speaks

"On the other hand technology brings within your reach the great
therapy of music; this activates the inner living cells of your
body, stimulates the energy of the inner self and helps to unite
the conscious mind with the other portions of your being."

"I will have more to say about suicide, but I do not mean here
to imply guilt on the part of a person who takes his or her own
life. In many such cases, a more natural death would have ensued
in any event as the result of 'diseases.'"
-Mass Events

"In the next life you will be working with those attitudes that are now yours."
-Seth Speaks

"The fact of death does not turn the coward into a hero or the
fool into a wise man, true ... [yet] death does bring a man into
his own estate. That is, he sees his own chracteristics and
abilities in a clearer light..."
-W. James Afterdeath Journal

"In all of these areas, however, deep spiritual or emotional
contexts are never negated. Very close friends from past lives,
who are in a position to do so, often communicate with you when
you are in a dream state and the relationships are continued
though you do not realize it consciously."
-Seth Speaks

"You always were and you always will be. This is the meaning
of existence and joy. The God that is, is within you, for you
are a part of all that is."

"I am speaking in very simple terms now, and yet those involved
in a flood, for example, want the past washed away, or want to
be flooded by bursts of vital emotions such as disasters often
bring. They want to feel a renewed sense of nature's power, and
often, though devastated, they use the experience to start a new life."
-Mass Events

"You had a hand in the development of your childhood environment.
You chose the circumstances. This does not mean that you are
at the mercy of those circumstances. It means that you set
challenges to be overcome, set goals to be reached, set up
frameworks of experience through which you could develop,
understand and fulfill certain abilities."

"In each life you choose and create your own settings or
environments; and in this one you chose your parents and
whatever childhood incidents that came within your experience.
You wrote the script."
-Seth Speaks

"Intuitively, each person is born with the knowledge that he or
she is not only worthwhile, but fits into the context of the
universe in the most precise and beautiful of fashions. The
most elegant timing is involved in each individual's birth and death."
-Mass Events

"The idea, then, is not to annihilate normal consciousness but
quite literally to expand it by bringing into its focus other
levels of reality that it can indeed intrinsically perceive and utilize."
-Nature of Psyche

"The seasons must retain some stability. The rains must fall,
but not too much. The storms must rage, but not too devastatingly.
Behind all of this lies a biological and psychic cooperative venture."
-Mass Events

"Excellence means that you take advantage of your abilities,
and do not deny them, and that you expect things of yourself,
and do not look to others for their answers."

"You are supported, never abandoned, and always couched lovingly
in the great yet intimate presence of All That Is, whose love
forms your breath, your life, your death, as in which the unknown
divinity is always blessed and ever known."